Experience K12 Lakeland Elementary Coldwater Community Schools Lakeland Elementary Coldwater, Michigan PROJECT CHALLENGE + SOLUTION A 2014 facilities assessment indicated that Coldwater Community Schools was in need of making significant upgrades to the original Lakeland Elementary facility. The building lacked many amenities needed to support current and future educational models and was not equipped with a flexible environment to adapt to changing needs. The building was located outside of town and posed operational and logistical challenges for the district. Through the pre-bond planning process, it was determined to move Lakeland into the City limits of Coldwater, immediately adjacent to the Middle School. The adjacency to the Middle School and the close proximity of the High School creates a campus-like feel. The new site was zoned to separate parent and bus traffic for improved student safety. The two-story building solution creates a logical separation of 4th and 5th grades by assigning each floor level to a grade level. The main level of the building is zoned into classroom wings that can be separated for security purposes from the public spaces of the lobby, gymnasium, and cafeteria. Classrooms are designed the same to provide consistency and flexibility for staff and students. Multi-purpose instructional spaces, small group rooms, and adequate office spaces for itinerant staff were included to provide multiple venues to provide a wide variety of instruction. All spaces are equipped with modern and flexible furniture that provides a high level of student comfort while also providing the adaptability needed by staff to deliver education in a number of ways, including but not limited to, lecture format, small group collaboration, and independent work. The aesthetic of both the interior and exterior of the building utilizes a color palette and materials that are consistent with recent projects at the High School and Middle School. Throughout the building, elements such as murals and signage are strategically placed to help reinforce school branding and celebrate ‘Cardinal Pride’.