Experience K12 Forest Hills Public Schools Thornapple Elementary Forest Hills Public Schools Forest Hills Public Schools Thornapple Elementary Forest Hills, Michigan // 58,400 sq. ft. In 2018, the Forest Hills Public Schools community passed a $130 million bond to transform classrooms and learning environments for all students. The proposal was developed to invest in district infrastructure by upgrading aging systems, to secure schools by upgrading safety measures, and to inspire students by providing modern learning environments. Thornapple Elementary’s design team aimed to create an inspiring learning environment that seamlessly integrates whimsical, nature-inspired details throughout the classrooms, hallways, and cafeterias. New interior finishes and lighting throughout the building and a refreshed media center with cozy reading nooks and flexible group learning areas provide a stimulating and inclusive space for learning and growth. All aspects of the facility were thoughtfully crafted to create a new district standard for elementary and curriculum delivery and staff throughout the building.