Kalamazoo Public Schools

Linden Grove Middle School

Kalamazoo, Michigan // 142,000 sq. ft.

Client Challenge

To create a new integrated learning environment that provides students with a sense of identity and ownership, and fosters experiences that are relevant to students, emphasizing collaboration and cooperation.

TowerPinkster Solution

TowerPinkster reduced the scale of a large, intimidating middle school by designing smaller units, or “learning commons,” on each floor of the three-story walk-out building. Providing a sense of identity, each grade is assigned to a separate floor, and narrow hallways are replaced by these learning commons, which are surrounded by core classrooms. Appropriate for this age group, a central student mall area provides social interaction as well as impromptu learning spaces. Other building features include a bridge entry, cafe/auditorium with outdoor seating, a media center with tiered computer lab, a green roof, and multiple outdoor teaching terraces. This project achieved LEED-Gold certification.

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