Experience Justice County Jail Midland County County Jail Midland, Michigan // 105,000 sq. ft. Midland County determined that the existing county jail needed to be replaced to serve current and future needs. TowerPinkster’s and HOK worked with the county to determine a jail capacity of 250 beds with a future expansion of up to 400. The 105,000 SF facility is a mix of direct and indirect supervision pods. The new intake, transfer, and release components include holding and detox cells, together with book-in stations, medical screening areas, interview rooms, and vehicle sallyport capable of supporting the future capacity. Space for all support functions (medical, food services, and laundry) was also planned for future capacity. The new jail also increases efficiencies by providing video visitation for inmates and visitors, eliminating the need for movement and transport. The jail’s site is well planned to segregate security vehicle access from public access to the site. In addition, parking for the general public, work release inmates, and staff is separated. Favorable construction costs for this project allowed the County to invest in a geothermal energy source to heat and cool the entire facility.